You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Friday, April 8, 2011


There are days when my job drains me. (Running the roads all day, dealing with a twitty teens and trying to dig out from under a ton of paperwork has that affect on me.) Luckily, it's during these draining days that God usually provides me with one of His greatest blessings to me...goose bumps.

This week I've had more than a few goose bump moments, and it has reaffirmed to me that I'm in the right line of work. First, I was able to see my Goose Bump Girl get back on track. This young woman is incredible, wonderful, amazing, fantastic--you get the point. What makes her all these things is the fact she is making the most of her life despite some devastating blows which she has suffered, any one of which could cause someone to crumble. She doesn't. She struggles. She doubts. She rages at times. But she doesn't crumple.

She keeps moving forward. She keeps learning and growing and maturing. She doesn't feel she is entitled to anything, but she is grateful for all she has. She talks to me, and I sit in awe of all she has accomplished so far. I look forward to see all of her accomplishments to come--with tears in my eyes and goose bumps on my arms.

Then, tonight, I had the chance to meet with one of my young men and his foster mom. This young man can make me grin from ear-to-ear, laughing and joking and basically being a mess. Even when he has me at my most frustrated, he can look at me and grin his big ol' smile, and I just have the hardest time fussing as loud as I want.

And then there's his foster mom. New to being a foster parent, she has the wisdom of someone who has been helping others for years.  This woman makes me happy just to be in her presence. Kind, loving, beautiful, funny--you get the picture--this woman and the relationship she and my young man have forged makes the hair stand up on my arms every time. I truly believe God was guiding this young man to this home.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to see and be a part of these blessings. And I thank Him for His blessings alert system--goose bumps.

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.

                                     ~John 1:16 (NIV)

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