You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Life as an Adam Sandler Movie

So, today, when telling one of my friend's a story about something that just happened, she made the comment that it was like something out of a bad soap opera or an Adam Sandler film.

This got me thinking about a couple of things: 1) Is my life really that crazy? (YES!), and 2) Which Adam Sandler film would best describe my life at this time?

Well, in my wildest dreams, I'd have 50 First Dates which would eventually lead to me hiring The Wedding Singer. Unfortunately, I seem to be stuck with The Waterboy, Little Nicky, or Airheads, all of whom test my Anger Management skills. I'd be so happy with a Big Daddy or a Mr. Deeds, but finding such a man is like trying to find the one peanut in a bowl of Mixed Nuts. And trying to communicate is like speaking Spanglish to a deaf man. I know it may sound like I'm Going Overboard, but, I promise, I don't let this Reign Over Me. There are just days when I wish I could Click the channel and skip at least Eight Crazy Nights. But, if I can't do that, I'll make sure my friends are Funny People and put myself to sleep with some happy Bedtime Stories.

"It's hard to soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys."

                                       ~ Longfellow Deeds
                                         (Adam Sandler in Mr. Deeds)

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