You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

God's Hands

Tragedy changes people. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. But, if allowed, God will use tragedy to show His amazing power and love through those affected.

The tornadoes that swept through the Southeast United States on April 27 would qualify as a tragedy. So many lives lost or forever changed, it continues to boggle my mind. I waiver between being incredibly grateful that my family and I were spared and feeling helpless to make the lives of those affected better.

I feel helpless, because there is little I can do as Christie. But, as a pair of God's hands, I have power. I'm not a contractor that can build a house; but I am a person that can cook so that those who can build have food and drink as they do their jobs. I'm not a pastor with an in depth knowledge of Biblical theology that can help explain tragedy to others; but I am a Christian that can share all the love and comfort God has given me. I'm not a charismatic political leader that can ask and procure tons of money; but I am a couponer that can use my couponing talent to provide essentials to charities.

Still, if God only used my hands, I would continue to feel helpless. My hands are not the only ones working for God's good, though. I see people far and wide coming into town in order to help total strangers. I hear stories of people who have lost everything but their lives cleaning up neighbors' homes.  I speak with people who praise God for their lives and for those who choose to help instead of criticizing or blaming or raging against God and others.

These are God's hands at work.

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

                                              ~Proverbs 3:27

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