You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reality Checks

Today was a day in which I fantasized about being Gibbs on NCIS administering back-of-the-head slaps liberally. Being unable to do so in reality without risking an assault charge, I would like to provide the blog equivalent tonight.

1) If your partner is having to drink his/ herself into a stupor on a near daily basis, you may want to ask yourself (and them) why this is and stop coming up with nice sounding excuses.

2) If your child has been removed from your custody, picking up toothpaste and notebook paper at a local charity to give to said child will not erase the pain you have caused.

3) If you treat someone like s#@&, eventually it will come back to haunt you no matter how wonderful you think you are.

4) If you don't want the world to know your business, please refrain from posting it on Facebook. (P.S. Even if you remove said posts an hour later, SOMEONE will have seen it.)

5) If you are going to try and lie to me, at least make it entertaining. It REALLY makes me angry when you tell me a stupid AND boring lie.

There! Consider yourselves Gibbs-slapped. (You know who you are.)

Reality bites... and doesn't let go.
                           ~Author Unknown

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