You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Smiles and Pleasantries

There are days when you just have to choose to be positive.Today was one of those days for me.

I needed to get a replacement driver's license, and I decided to do it today.  I had previously contacted the State Troopers office and asked what I would need to bring to get the replacement. A certified birth certificate and social security card.

I first went to the bank to take the above mentioned documents out of my safety deposit box. I had to wait for several minutes on two seperate individuals to unlock the vault. A slight inconvenience, but not a huge deal. Smiles and pleasantries were exchanged by all, and I was out of there.

I then went to purchase a Christmas present at Big Lots for my daughter. Since it is an electronic item, I had to purchase it through customer service. Again, not a huge deal, but a bit of an inconvenience as I had to wait for others in front of me trying to do the same. Smiles and pleasantries again exchanged, and I was gone.

I then headed to get my replacement driver's license. I received a pleasant surprise as I entered to find myself next in line. An easy smile moment. My eye test was passed with flying colors. The picture was taken, and it didn't look half bad! All is fantastic. I sit back down to finish the process, and I hear the dreaded words, "Okay, we've got a problem."

Apparently, because my most recent social security card does not have my first name on it, I might be an illegal immigrant or a terrorist who is really good at faking a Southern accent. I'm informed it's not a big deal, though. All I need to do is go to the Social Security office and request a new card with my first name on it. Having a suspicion it wouldn't be as easy as that, I smiled and walked out.

I then went to the Social Security office. (Now, I wish I was talented enough to set this scene, but I'm not. Just think crowded with complainers.)  Forty-five minutes after arriving, during a rousing game of peep-pie with the 3 year old sitting next to me, my number is called. Whoohoo! I scamper up, smiling, trying to provide the poor man, put-upon man, with some pleasantness. I tell this nice gentleman my situation, he smiles, looks at my birth certificate and social security card, looks up at me and requests a picture identification.

Huh?! Okay, let's try this again: "I need a new social security card so I can GET a picture id. I lost my license. I just need a piece of paper saying I am who I am." Big smile.

I get a big smile back. "Sorry. Do you have any other form of picture id. No? Okay, have you gone to your doctor lately? Yes? Great, have them write a letter saying you are who you are and bring it back. We can change the name on your card then. OR, you can go to the probate judge and change your name." Deep breathe combined with a look of disbelief, a smile and a "thank you for your help."
I'd fill you in on my experience at the Fed Ex office, but I really think that would be overkill.  Let's just say that by the end of this adventure--and a hot fudge sundae--I was not just smiling, I was laughing. How can you not when Murphy's Law has gotten you so completely?

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