You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Week Murphy's Law Ruled Part II

Every story has an ending. At least that is what I thought. Apparently, with me and my ongoing saga to replace my driver's license, this is not the case.

Today I went back today to the Social Security office, armed with a note from my doctor, my birth certificate and social security card. I only had to wait about 10 minutes before being called back behind "the door." This was a great sign, and, although I was looking a little like a drowned cat after walking through the rain with no umbrella, I felt my luck was changing for the better. HA! I'm so funny!

As the social security lady listened to my tale of whoa, she began examining my many forms of identification. If you've been following this story, you should guess the next part of the plot--the note from my doctor didn't work. It wasn't on letter head. And, no, they will not take a faxed letter. Oh! and by the way, you've been signing your name illegally for the past 13 1/2 years. You MUST use your given first name or legally change your name. See the probate judge's office.

To be continued....

“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”

                                                                    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Also, a training update: I walked three miles on Tuesday and Thursday of last week. I walked six miles yesterday. I missed my six mile walk on Saturday, but will do better this week!


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