You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fundraising 101

When you have school-aged children, you somehow become a full-time fundraiser. Boosterthon, Hoops for Hearts, cookie dough sales, wrapping paper sales, Krispy Kreme get the picture.

So, to be perfectly honest, I feel I am highly qualified to raise money for the Avon Walk. Granted, the $1800.00 goal is a bit daunting. Okay, a lot daunting. But I really feel like it's doable.

Having said that, Robin and I brainstormed this great idea. We will have a HUGE yard sale the first weekend of April. HUGE. MAJOR. GARGANTUAN. And we will be trying to raise the total amount of $3600.00 for the two of us. 

So, if you are interested in donating any items for the yard sale, please just let me know. If you'd like to donate money to the Avon Walk, I will be posting that information soon on the blog. And, if you'd like to come buy some of the wonderful items we will be having, we'd love to see you!

Fundraising requires both optimism and realism. Without the first, few if any gift solicitation efforts would be made. Without the second, few if any would succeed.

                                         ~Howard L. Jones

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