You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm Not in Kansas Anymore.......

There are days when I feel like I'm Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Usually these feelings are aroused by the on-going, rapid changes of my children which open up whole new experiences for me.

For instance, the other night I realized that my son is no longer my little boy. He's becoming a teenager. How, you ask, did I come to this conclusion? The WWE found it's way onto my television for over two hours for the first time. The testosterone hung think in the house like a fog.

My daughter tends to add to the surreal air that surrounds my life most days. She looks like a seven year old angel who will spout out words and ideas with which I'm fairly sure some 30 year olds are not familiar.  I often wonder if she has discussion with God in which they debate the pros and cons of various ways to correct the ills of the world...with God taking her advice.

As I whirl through my life, I look at both of my babies and realize that they are no longer babies. They don't even fit into the "little kids" category.  They will ALWAYS be my babies, though, even as I try to keep up with them on the yellow brick road to adulthood.

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
                        ~ Dorothy (Judy Garland) 

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