You can't control how others act. You can control how you react.

Monday, August 23, 2010


First, let me just update all on my training. Last week I did okay. Not perfect, but okay. Tuesday and Thursday I was able to get my 3 miles in and was able to walk 4 miles on Saturday and Sunday.

While walking my 4 miles over the weekend, I realized how much I love numbers. Not as in math--anyone who knows me knows that is not the case. But as in, if I walk for one hour, that is normally 4 miles. If I walk 4 miles, I usually burn 550 to 600 calories. If I burn 550 to 600 calories, the number on the scale tends to go down. (That is if I don't eat 600 calories in Little Debbie treats!)

I like numbers. It gives me a way to measure my progress in training, and I can get a wee bit obsessive about numbers.

After much self analysis, I have decided my obsessiveness probably comes from the fact that, in so many other areas in life, there are no numbers on which to measure myself. I have to rely on my feelings and instincts and knowledge. There is no precise way to measure my progress.

So, I embrace my obsessiveness and thank God that I'm not obsessing about something less controllable--like how to make Little Debbie treats calorie-less!

“Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion.” 
                                                              Paul Carvel
A two-for-one on the quotes today. Gotta love those actor-types!

“My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession.”

                                                             Joaquin Phoenix

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